Coming in July to major National Bookstore branches and all Don Bosco schools nationwide: Code Red Volume 3, Number 1. Whew– our ninth issue! I never can hardly believe we've come this far.
My thoughts on this are on the issue's Editor's Note:
The Journey
This issue marks CodeRed’s third year of publication.
It’s been quite a journey.
The day we took the bus was when the Editorial Board had its initial meeting to flesh out the magazine concept. We discussed specific directions, possible looks, executional guidelines.
Then we made big stop to pick up the rest of the team as we had a group immersion on Servant Leadership.
Along the way, we chanced upon many passengers willing to make the journey with us.
Parents and teens, they all eagerly climbed the bus, waving their experience, enthusiasm and writing talent as their own ticket to ride.
We made a lot of pitstops, mostly for pasta, pizza and gelato at Amici, as we hungered for inspiration, ideas and food for both body and soul.
Each time we hit a fork on the road, we paused to check our map before we proceeded. We passed many warning signs and opted to follow the rules. And hey, at some turns we made, we thought we heard some cheering.
There were a lot of times though when we were cruising below speed limit, as there were too many distractions getting in the way. We arrived late at some destinations and we had to suffer the consequences.
Today the journey is on its third leg. Passengers have come and gone. We’ve traveled many miles, hit many bumps on the road, fixed many engine troubles, stopped many times for gas.
We’re driving out to the main road, after crossing busy avenues like Compassion, Solitude and Mission. We’re going back on the highway, the EDSA of our existence: Servant Leadership.
Join us for the ride of our lives.